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This is the place where you can find all the resources made during the EU Interreg Project ENISIE, the "father" of Koiné. All the files and documents in this section are the results of the work of the EU project partners. All the files and documents are free to download (for registered users) for a knowledge sharing purpose

Find tollkits, research results, videos, tutorials and other useful materials that can help your business or your projects. Browse the categories and find what you need

Catalogue of Best Practices

Catalogue of Best Practices in supporting Social Business and promoting Social Innovation - Malta edition - Activity 3.1 - Deliverable D.3.1.1 - Version update Sept. 30th 2019

Author: IURIS Malta - IURIS Business Solutions

Consolidated Catalogue of SI Case Studies_ALL_for publication02102019
IT Intro_Consolidated Catalogue of Best Practices_D.3.3.1
Consolidated Catalogue - Texting Panda
Consolidated Catalogue - Survivors Malta
Consolidated Catalogue - Step Up for Parkinson's
Consolidated Catalogue - SOS Malta
Consolidated Catalogue - Social Smile
Consolidated Catalogue - Richmond Foundation
Consolidated Catalogue - Park Smart
Consolidated Catalogue - Meraki
Consolidated Catalogue - Malta Health Network
Consolidated Catalogue - Action for Breast Cancer Foundation

Catalogo di strumenti per la co-creazione

ENISIE_Toolkit Draft_Aggregated tools_v1.2
ENISIE_HUB_Tool Ask the Space_v.1.2
ENISIE_MCVS_Tool Community Management (External)_v.1.2
ENISIE_MCVS_Tool Community Management (internal)_v1.2
ENISIE_MCVS_Tool Open space technolog_v.1.2
ENISIE_MCVS_Tool The Art of Hosting_v.1.2
ENISIE_Tree_Tool Team Builder_v1.2
ENISIE_Tree_Tool Welcome on board_v1.2

Co-creation of work spaces open to collaboration

Catalogue of tools for co-creation of work spaces open to collaboration

ENISIE_ME_Tool Asset Based Community Mapping_v1.2
ENISIE_ME_Tool Chaordic Planning_v1.2
ENISIE_ME_Tool Circle Practice_v1.2
ENISIE_ME_Tool Co-Design_v1.2
ENISIE_ME_Tool Develop a Co-Design Workshop_v1.2
ENISIE_ME_Tool Empathy Map_v1.2
ENISIE_ME_Tool Generative Interviews_v1.2
ENISIE_ME_Tool Proaction Cafe_v1.2
ENISIE_ME_Tool Triads_v1.2

Enisie Project

A short video about Enisie Project

HubMed. The Mediterranean social innovation network

Promoting and consolidating synergies, connections and social innovation nodes operating in the Mediterannean region​

Social Innovation. A Mediterranean Perspective - Infographic
Social Innovation. A Mediterranean Perspective - Final report